I have been looking into purchasing a durable and reliable bag that will take a beating traveling thought South Korea. My traditional back pack was not up to the challenge, it can't repel water and is frankly unattractive. Through my search to find an ideal bag I came across a manufacture called Chrome. This company makes Messenger bags designed to withstand the elements, due to their targeted customers mainly are city bikes riders. Here are a few of Chrome's specifications from their website:
"rugged assembly of industrial materials and hardware available: military spec. seam binding, 1000d Cordura shell, 18oz. weatherproof truck tarp liner, and nylon 69 thread"
"weatherproof liner freely floats within the outer shell"
"Your cargo is safe from rain, snow, mud, and most anything else this cruel world can sling at you"
I have purchased the bag featured in the picture above. It is the Metropolis black/ red stripe with the dimensions of 26 X 14 X 7. I am looking forward to testing their qualifications "stated" for this single shoulder strap bag. I'll make sure to keep up to date on the abuses that it can take. Other than this bag being on the pricey side, I believe it will be worth it. Plus I think it looks good to boot!
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