Wednesday, December 10, 2008
November 10th - National Science Musem
November in December?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
It's my 21st Birthday!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Day 16 - HUBO Lab - CAD - Part 1
During the day I use two pieces of software Autodesk AutoCAD and Inventor. AutoCAD is a known more for its 2D CAD drawings and layouts. However it can be used for 3D modeling, but Inventor is far superior in simulation and assemblies of many parts. I take the AutoCAD file and pick the best view to copy. I pick the view that has the most detail to extrapolate to form 3D image. Things that I look for are irregular shapes that would take time to re-dimension and draw. I copy the lines that form the drawing to a blank Metric part file. I then move throughout the drawing deleting hidden lines. Hidden lines appear as dashed lines, they usually make up holes drilled to a certain depth or feature

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Day 10,11,12 - Weekend 2
On Saturday Bryan and I decided to hike the rest of the Mountain chain behind our Dorm. This time we invited our Uzbek friends. We made good time and reached the place were we left of last. From there we traveled up the ridge and found our first destination a "Chinese" Style look out tower. The tower was colorfully painted and on the inside ceiling of the tower was an ornate pattern of painted wooden cross beams. After that we ventured farther up the ridge to another more

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Day 7 - Currency

Monday, September 29, 2008
Day 5 & 6 - First Weekend

Sunday was a very relaxing day I spent the morning reading up on the US Civil War and
Friday, September 26, 2008
Day 4 - Autodesk Inventor vs. Solidworks
While I am waiting for my CAD material from HUBO lab I have been teaching / familiarizing myself Solidworks. I have been making a series of tutorials for Basic and Advanced Solidworks knowledge building. I have dug up a few 3D drawing practices that I used in Advanced Mechanical Drawing in high school to learn Autodesk Inventor. The software came with an online tutorial that was informative to show how to locate the drawing options, just i needed some supplementary material concrete my skills. Therefore, I remodeled each drawing into a 3D model using Soildworks. In the following images and descriptions I'll describe my opinions of both pieces of software.

Can you figure out which software is what?

Can you tell the difference yet?
Well to the trained eye the Autodesk Inventor would be to the top and the Solidworks would be to the bottom. The first thing you would notice is the colors. I tried to match the color as best I could I to show the color features of both software. I was always under the impression that Soildworks had a very flashy color scheme for their models, but Autodesk Inventor 2008 has diffidently passed Solidworks abilities. In modeling there were many things that annoyed me or helped me, but ill focus on a few. In Solidworks the ability to rotate the part with the roller wheel on the mouse is a helpful feature especially in Assemblies. Also the Hole Wizard took some time to get used too, but it is helpful to make standard holes. The only issue is you have to arbitrarily place the hole then demension inside of the wizard. Also it lacks the visual threading features. I still prefer the way Autodesk Inventor takes care of this, they split holes into two steps. The user can place holes (just + signs designating center) during drawing mode and dimension accordingly. Then in solids mode create the proper hole parameters. Solidworks also has a helpful trim tool used to cut loose ends of sketches. The user can draw a free flowing curve over desired lines, what ever it touches it eliminates.
Autodesk Inventor is still ranked at the top of my list on CAD software for modeling. They always say "its tough to teach and old dog new tricks". But I believe by the end of Co-Op I will have matched my skills that I have in Autodesk Inventor for Solidworks.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Day 3 - Working and Living
I thought today that I would like to give the tour of my Dorm Room. The dorm is very simple but a comfortable living space. I only have to pay around $100 per month! So I share a room with
When you are in the process of tacking off your shoes if you turn to your right you will see the light switch. The light switch has become such a mundane item in the United States culture, but the Koreans
have stepped it up a notch. In the center of the two switches is a card slot. To activate the room's power the card most be in the slot. They do this so when you leave the room you pull the card and all the lights in the room shut off. Its like a master switch, used to conserve energy. Next you would then look strait ahead. I have my closet for my clothes, the bed and my desk...I told you it was simple! My desk
set up with my computer, some books, and an area set aside for pictures of the people that I care most for! The final thing to show is my view out the window. The view is not bad we look over a construction site of four HUGE apartment buildings it seems that the construction is almost done, finishing in the next two months. It was overcast outside today with occasional rain. I hope you enjoyed the tour!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Day 2 - First Day of Work
Today was my first day of work, it did not feel like it thou. I remember my first day of Co-Op last year I didn't want to get out of bed. I rolled out of bed at 4am with no complains this year...Thanks jet lag!. I spent the morning on AIM talking to my friends back home for its was prime time for them. I left to work around 9am thinking 30 minute walk...well it turned out to be a hour walk! So Bryan and I both have have our own desks/cubical at the HUBO lab. Our first task was making our own Cat-5 cables. Many people poke fun at me because I keep a small card in my wallet that has Resistor Color chart and Cat-5 cable wiring. Well I made effective use of that today, Bryan and I made two working cables. Thanks John Douglas, Confero for the card!! Also my new Gerber Lockblade came in handy for cutting the shielding on the wires. I successfully loaded AutodeskInventor 2008 Computer Aided Design (CAD) software on my machine and I can't wait to do further work with it! After lunch I talked with Dr. Jun Ho Oh, he is the director of the HUBO lab, about different aspects of HUBO. I found it interesting talking to him that he entirely designed the Mechanics and Mechatronics behind HUBO. All CAD he has done himself with Autocad 2007. He has two staff members that work in the lab that take care of manufacturing the Robot using the Computer Numeric Control (CNC) and building/populating Printed Circuit Board (PCB). The first staff member then uses the CAD to generate toolpaths with MasterCAM X2. I see that
The remainder of the day I got my first taste of surface mount soldiering. The old motor controller from the HR-3 HUBO uses a 128 pin DSP package. Below is a video of Bryan soldering his board.
The technique used by HUBO lab is to tack the two corners of the DSP to the PCB making sure it is lined up on the soldering pads. Then pool a large amount of solder and drag the soldering iron up and down the pins "brushing". Then use Flux to wick away the residual solder that is left. The goal is to have no solder left between pads, if it was left it would cause a short. A short is meant if two electrical paths that are not meant to be connected touch, will cause the component to burn up/blowup. After both boards were completed, Bryan turned out to have the better hand for doing the surface mount soldering!
After work Bryan and I went to the school "restaurant/cafeteria" where while we were eating a girl from the Netherlands came and sat with us. She was the first "foreign" English speaking person we have encountered. Bryan and I had allot of questions for her, mainly having to with the school and things to do around campus. We found out there is a support group on Facebook for foreign KAIST students. Bryan got her contact information and is going to keep in touch with her. Today we really felt like part of the crowd not just alienated people looking in on the student population!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Day 1 - Arrival
So the most important news is I have safely arrived in Daejeon, South Korea. But it has a most interesting story attached to that. I guess i will start this story from the inception, the van ride to JFK international airport. There was a a Korean woman who was sitting in front of us and started to inquire about Bryan and I. We answered and found that this woman actually lived 5 minutes from Bryan and both of her children graduated North Penn High School; her youngest a year after us. This common ground kept for continuing conversation even past the bus. We went thorough security together and sat waiting at the terminal. Mrs. Park was very kind to us by sharing Korean pastries with Bryan and I, for we both were starving. This new friendship came to light when we got to Korea with Mrs. Park's fluency in Korean. We had a vague idea on how to find the Bus ticket booth, from our last visit to South Korea in March 08. But with out us needing to ask Mrs. Park approached various people speaking a "Philly" sounding Korean and found the needed transportation for both of us. She also handled the transaction with the ticket teller. As quickly as we met her she left with her husband who arrived the day before. But with her last grace of kindness she treated us to "breakfast" at the mini mart. Mrs. Park showed us a compassion and a willingness to help that is hard to come by. We are deeply grateful for every thing she did for us and her generosity. With this helpful push we successfully navigated the bus line and taxi to finish our journey. I commend her for every thing she did for us, for Bryan and I both now know what to tell the next PIRE group when they arrive at Incheon International Airport.
I am safe and well moved into my new dorm, but it is 2 miles from KAIST. I could go for the exercise, for I welcome this 30 minute walk!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I'M Off !!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Travel Bag

I have been looking into purchasing a durable and reliable bag that will take a beating traveling thought South Korea. My traditional back pack was not up to the challenge, it can't repel water and is frankly unattractive. Through my search to find an ideal bag I came across a manufacture called Chrome. This company makes Messenger bags designed to withstand the elements, due to their targeted customers mainly are city bikes riders. Here are a few of Chrome's specifications from their website:
"rugged assembly of industrial materials and hardware available: military spec. seam binding, 1000d Cordura shell, 18oz. weatherproof truck tarp liner, and nylon 69 thread"
"weatherproof liner freely floats within the outer shell"
"Your cargo is safe from rain, snow, mud, and most anything else this cruel world can sling at you"
I have purchased the bag featured in the picture above. It is the Metropolis black/ red stripe with the dimensions of 26 X 14 X 7. I am looking forward to testing their qualifications "stated" for this single shoulder strap bag. I'll make sure to keep up to date on the abuses that it can take. Other than this bag being on the pricey side, I believe it will be worth it. Plus I think it looks good to boot!